Our Five Month Old Eater!

His first bites of oatmeal
Owen is five months old! This month, he started eating solid food! In the weeks leading up to starting solids, he was sleeping one four hour stretch, then waking up every 1.5-2 hours very hungry. After starting solids, he started sleeping a little longer at night and waking up every three hours instead of every 1.5-2! Success! We started with oatmeal for a few weeks, and he's tried sweet potato, butternut squash, green beans, bananas, avocado, apples, and pears. I think he likes pears the most, but he eats everything we give him!

Owen is such a smiley baby! He is easily calmed when upset and loves to try to catch your eye and then do a big cheek-splitting smile. His cheeks fluctuate in size depending on if he's growing longer or wider- it is fun to see him grow. We were in California for his 5 month birthday and two weeks after, so I broke out the 12 month clothes to pack since 9 month clothes were starting to get a little tight. I thought the 12 month clothes would be loose and he could grow into them, but alas, they fit perfectly and are very close to being too small. Where did my little newborn go? He certainly feels heavy, although we won't know exact measurements until his 6 month appointment. He's getting really good at sitting up by himself, although he's not quite rolling except on accident. We are working on it every day, but he's just roll-resistant at this point. Gross motor-wise, he is ahead of the game in sitting and reaching, but a little behind in rolling. Go figure that a physical therapist's son would do things in the "wrong" order. Now I will have more understanding for my clients that don't do things like I would expect them to...

Excited to be 5 months!
Owen's hair is sparse, but it seems that it is due to his head growing bigger and not his hair falling out or rubbing off. He still has ridiculously long hairs in the front and in the back. Instead of sticking straight up, his hairs in the back curl into an adorable little curl. People are starting to ask when I will cut his hair. I reply that since Landon didn't have any hair, I am savoring the hair and it will be awhile before we cut it! His eyes are still a lovely gray/blue color with an interesting shape, much like my sister, Hannah's eyes when she was a baby. 

Sweet brothers!
Landon is starting to be a big help with Owen. He knows all the reasons why Owen might be crying, and always reminds me to check his diaper and keep moving in the car. Owen loves watching Landon play and will swipe at his toys if he gets close enough. Soon, Landon will have to learn that part of being a big brother is being patient with a baby brother who likes to destroy his Lego creations. 

Enjoying gnawing on his french toast

We are so relieved Owen can finally eat some solids mostly because he's been eyeing our food for a long time. He is getting really good at grabbing at anything within reach, including toothbrushes with toothpaste on them and dinner plates. One morning at breakfast in California, there was a plate with french toast that my dad had made. While Austin was holding him eating breakfast, Owen grabbed the french toast plate, spun it around, picked a small piece of french toast, and proceeded to gum the heck out of it. He seemed to really enjoy it, and when he was done about half of the soft piece of bread was gone! We are currently just offering him purees, but it was unreal how well he handled and enjoyed the french toast. We know he'll be ready for that in a few months! 


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