Owen's 2nd Month

Our two month old
Our sweet baby Owen is two months old! He is a generally calm, happy boy. He loves to smile and give loving looks and coos. He coos back and forth with us all the time! From birth, he has made these adorable high squeaking noises when he stretches or first wakes up. These squeaks have gradually decreased as he has gotten older and I miss them!

 While Landon always had a spark or fire behind his eyes from birth (a sign of his feistiness I think), Owen has a soft look in his eyes. When he looks at me, I see an old, intelligent spirit who knows what's going on, and has just decided to go along with it instead of complaining. His hair continues to stand straight up in the back, and although the hair on the side of his head has thinned, the hair on top is long and brown. 

His two month stats were pretty awesome. He's 15 lbs, 4 oz, and 25.25 inches long. That's in the 95th percentile for both height and weight. He has grown out of all of his 3 month clothes and fills out the 6 month clothes with his wide shoulders. He is certainly well-fed- he continues to eat at least every three hours, around the clock. At night, he may go three and a half hours, but then he wakes up to eat every one and a half to two hours after that longer stint. I have continued to swaddle him- but only once he's asleep. While he's sleeping, he wiggles out of the swaddle and flails his arms around like crazy until he wakes up. It's rough, and I'm hoping that at some point, he will sleep a little longer at night!

The closest thing to a smile he could muster...
We love Owen's cheeks. They are the typical Livengood baby cheeks and jawline. It will be interesting to see what he looks like growing up. His eyes are a medium gray. We bought Owen a play mat/gym thing for Christmas and during his 2nd month, he started swatting at the hanging toys. He also found his hands and likes to try to chew on his fists. He loves to kick and play in the bathtub and on his mat. He likes tummy time until he gets tired, and is starting to lift his head even more. He digs his little feet into the mat and tries to scoot along. So far, he just scoots around in a circle. Landon likes to play with him down on the ground, and even "wrestles" with him a little. I know that this is just the beginning of my boys wrestling, I just hope it isn't too long before Owen can start to hold his own! Happy two months on earth, sweet Owen!
He doesn't look as pudgy laying down


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