Owen, the10 Month Stander!

OWEN! How has another month passed already? This month, Owen proved that he is a rascal, but a sweet rascal! He learned to climb up stairs. He can't get himself back downstairs safely, but he loves to practice going upstairs to Landon's loft. To him, it's like the ultimate hang out! He can also open the baby gate that we set up to cover the stairs, so we really are in trouble. For now, I follow him up the stairs and then have to be super vigilant to make sure he doesn't topple down the stairs or through the railings (covered with fishing net, but still, I worry). Owen also loves to unplug things, his favorite being the wifi cord. So if my phone or computer's internet turns off, I always check the wall first. He loves to play with our shoes in the shoe cabinet by the door and pull things out of drawers and off of shelves. Owen is standing for a few seconds independently and has even taken a step before falling. He is getting better leg strength and is able to slowly lower to the ground. He uses his strength to flop upside down, trying to get out of my arms, when I grab him from doing something naughty. He screams and cries and makes a big fuss- definitely making his discontent known. Sometimes, he's a stinker!

Owen's eyes are a little darker gray this month, and his hair is getting lighter and lighter! It is so long in the front and back, but I can't bear to cut it yet. He will not stay still enough for it to look good if I try to cut it. He currently has 6 teeth, and I think he is teething his eye teeth on top right now! He started saying, "dog" and "all done," and can sign "more" and "done." The past few weeks, he has started babbling so much, talking in gibberish, but whole sentences, with different intonation and everything. In this month's pictures, I see a little more of Austin in Owen. He still looks more like a Livengood than a Brown, but I see Austin in some of his smiling pictures. 

What is this sticker on my chest?

This is a picture of Hannah when she was 11 months old

With all of the new movement, Owen has quite a few bumps and bruises on his face... always. The Koreans are very protective of their kids (like most crawlers have knee pads, or never get put on the floor,) so everyone asks me about his bumps. EVERYONE! The scratch on his left cheek is from face planting onto one of Landon's toys. The bruise on the right cheek is from falling from standing and hitting his face on the chair leg. Owen also had his first real sickness this month. We flew to Japan for a visa trip. He was a total champ on the trip, especially since he was in the stroller or baby carrier for long hours each day.  Landon threw up on Saturday of our trip, two times in a row. We thought it was possibly food poisoning or heat exhaustion. Everyone seemed fine until Tuesday night, when Owen ate a gargantuan amount, then threw up all over me when I was nursing him to sleep. It was nasty, but not all of his stomach contents, thank goodness. He did not wake up as many times as normal during the night, so when I nursed him in the morning, he drank a ton of milk and then threw it all up. Poor kid! After that, he did not really have an appetite for a whole week. He ate enough, but just not the same crazy amount he normally does. His cheeks thinned out, and he was still moving around so much that he lost some of his baby chub. Never fear, though! This week, he is eating more than Landon and making up for it. The cheeks are on their way back!

This picture says it all... Owen adores his brother
In these last two pictures, I was having a hard time getting Owen to look at me for pictures. I asked Landon to stand behind me and help make Owen laugh. The smiley faces I captured really illustrate just how much Owen loves his brother. Landon and Owen have started playing a silly game in the car. Landon laughs, and then Owen laughs harder, and they go back and forth laughing and laughing. Landon loves to try to make Owen laugh... if only he would let Owen sleep!

Owen adores Landon. He wants to be just like him. It is so cute to see Owen follow Landon around and try to play with his toys, much to Landon's chagrin. Owen loves to play with cars and trucks, read books, and chew on dinosaurs. I try to encourage Landon in his pretend play to include Owen in the pretend world. He's the monster that destroys the city, or the dinosaur that eats other dinosaurs. Lately, we've been driving in vehicles (police cars, rockets into space, etc). Landon is the pilot, I'm the co-pilot or passenger, and Owen is the police baby, or the space baby, or whatever adventure we are pretending. It's actually pretty fun! Thankfully, Landon goes along with it most of the time, and it is really sweet to see them interacting more and more. Gosh, I love my boys, even though they drive me nuts sometimes!


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