Half Birthday Boy!

Mr. Owen is six months old! He's such a joy and light in our lives and we feel so blessed to have him. In the last month, he has really come alive exploring his environment. At about five and a half months old, on our last day visiting with my family in California, Grandma Brenda got him to roll from front to back. Within a few days, he was rolling both directions, and he was so thrilled with himself! Along with that, he sits independently very well and reaches for toys in sitting and on his tummy and back. He is so curious and wants to explore everything with his hands and mouth. He recently also discovered his feet, which he likes to put in his mouth, and his tongue which he sticks out all the time now. 

Physically, Owen's hair has toned down a little as it has gotten longer. It still sticks up on occasion, but it can also lay down flat too. It is definitely lightening up even more, and is a brown/auburn color. His eyes are gray but will turn lighter or darker, and more blue or more brown depending on the day. I'm seeing more of Austin's nose and mouth this month for some reason. His cheeks and rolls fluctuate with his growth spurts, but currently he seems to be a little longer and leaner than in previous months. At his appointment he was 28.5 inches long (97th percentile) and 21 lbs, 3 oz. (95th percentile). He is a very big boy, and he's fitting comfortably into most 18 month clothes at this point. Twelve month clothes are a little tight!

Owen started saying "Mama!" this month. I think he knows what it means because he says it a lot when he's hungry/tired/getting attacked by Landon. It's kind of heart breaking because if I set him down to do something, and he doesn't like it, instead of just crying, he will say, "MAMAMAMAMA" in the most pitiful little voice that I have to go pick him up! He babbles other sounds as well and likes to try out different mouth noises with his tongue and lips.

Owen is still a very happy boy. His smile lights up the room and he smiles not just with his mouth, but his eyes and whole face. He loves to watch Landon play, and loves it even more when Landon interacts in sweet ways with him. Landon is used to being a big brother now, and although he has his moments of not keeping his hands to himself, I find him sharing toys, talking to Owen about different subjects, and giving him hugs and kisses more often now. It is so sweet to see their relationship blooming. Landon likes to roll Owen around and play rough, and Owen seems to enjoy it as well. I'm glad he's so sturdy and can take the roughness! Although he still has a laid back personality and "goes with the flow," he is a mover now and he might be a little harder to handle as a toddler than we originally thought!

"Give me your tie, Owen!"
Our mischievous boy

Our strong boy

Getting ready to crawl...


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