The 9-month wonder!

Landon loves to stand up and look outside the screen door!
Landon is almost 9.5 months now. To all those moms who work for any amount of time during the week... major props! I am struggling to get everything else done that needs to be done (like laundry, housecleaning, cooking, etc) with my work hours that are nowhere near full-time. Still my favorite parts of my day are hanging out with Landon
The boy and his stick... 

Landon LOVES to ride bikes with mom and dad
Landon is cruising like a champ and experimenting with letting go of surfaces and holding toys and other objects with both hands in standing. He got pretty good at standing with support, so he did have a period of a few weeks without a noggin full of bruises, but now the bruises are back! He walks with less cuing now if I'm holding his fingers, and he has conquered our stairs! For awhile, he always tried to go down the stairs face first, but after lots of practice I think he is finally ok with sliding down on his tummy instead of the face plant.

Much like I did as a child, Landon likes to bang his
head on the ground when he is frustrated.
Then he gets over it. One time he did it on his tray
and a puff stuck to his head. It was awesome.
Official stats are in: 22 lbs. 11 oz and 31.5 inches long at his 9 month appointment. So, my measurements from last month were about as accurate as I thought they were :) Take home message is that he is large and in charge. Landon has recently started to really enjoy finger foods. We can tell his favorites because as soon as I pull them out of the fridge, he starts making excited noises and moving around in his high chair. His favorite foods include: string cheese, black beans, bananas, mandarin oranges and pears. He also loves yogurt and some meat, although he does not quite recognize all the different types of meat yet as being his favorites. Although we are really trying to get him to learn how to use a sippy cup, and he loves them, he uses them as a personal shower instead of a way to drink a beverage.

Landon has a lot of fun turning pages and lifting flaps in books now. He has discovered the perfect echoey place on our stairs and yells at the precise moment to make an echo several times a day. He still loves everyone and especially loves to crawl away from us during church. As far as outdoor activities, it is not outdoor play time unless Landon has a wood chip in his mouth. I don't know what it is about them, but he seeks them out, puts them in his mouth so they hang out (reminds me of a puppy) and then crawls around looking for other treasures. He also loves big sticks. He plays with the broomsticks and a stick that used to have a flag on it all the time.

We celebrated Mariah's birthday with a trip
to Lincoln Park Zoo. I'm still not sure if Landon
found it any more interesting than our front
lawn, but at least I tried, right? Also, he lost his
REALLY cute shoe; it fell off the stroller between the
lion house and the monkey house!
Cords are still one of Landon's favorite things, but he has become increasingly interested in doors and his safety gate. He likes to swing them back and forth on their hinges, and uses them as balance training as he stands up and moves with the moving door. Since my sister Mariah arrived, Landon loves her and especially likes to give her the "sassy face" which entails lifting his chin, crinkling his nose, and smiling. Might be the cutest thing ever, but it is so fleeting that I have yet to capture it in a picture.
Pots and pans in the kitchen... and evidence of real hair


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