Lake Charles, Louisiana- Parks

As I alluded to in an earlier post, the parks here are intense and really cool! Here are some pictures to back up my claims: 

Yes, this is a three story barn house of some kind
Landon is an active guy who loves to run around the park. Even he was a little daunted by this giant barn in the middle of the park. He didn't venture in. I didn't mind that, because I was not sure I would ever get him out if he went in there. Obviously, this part of the playground was made for kids older than two. This park is called Millenium Park and is located near the Lake Charles Civic Center and Lake Charles- the lake. It is beautiful to walk along the lake, take in the Veteran's Memorial with the tank and helicopter, and then play at the park for hours!
Two-level pirate ship. Landon was in heaven... and wanted me to come aboard
Even with all the cool equipment and things to explore, this boy currently loves to swing. Or as he says it, "Ding!" He asks me to push him "very fast" and keep pushing him for a long period of time. Just a year or so ago, he was so scared of swings that he would hold his breath on them until he turned the color of a tomato. Now he loves them!

Landon and his "DING!"

Another view of the exceptionally large play area
Also included in this park was a splash pad area. It is too cold right now for the splash pad, but I think this whole park would be a kid's paradise in the summer. Another thing- the entire park is made out of recycled milk jugs, re-purposed wood, and the ground it made from tires. So it's a green park too. There was even an entire section with ramps and wider spaces to allow for wheelchair access.

On Saturday, we checked out the Lake Charles farmer's market out behind historic City Hall. It was relatively small with only three produce vendors, but we picked up some grapefruit, kale, and sugar snap peas. I love fresh produce and love that we are currently in a part of the country where fresh produce is available year-round!

Landon driving the fire engine
After a quick trip to farmer's market, we headed down to another park I had spotted while familiarizing myself with Lake Charles. At first glance, I thought that this park just had a play structure shaped like a fire truck. When we got a closer look, I realized that it actually was an old fire engine that they had made into a play structure. Landon was instantly in love and spent the majority of his time in the fire engine.

The weather here lately has been just perfect with sun and warmer temperatures. Landon and I have definitely enjoyed outside time after a few weeks cooped up in Chicago. On the fire engine, we played a fun game that Landon made up. Landon would say, "Come on, mom, I'm taking you to work!" then I would get on the fire engine and sit in the back. He would drive for a bit and then say, "OK, mom, you're at work!" He would give me a hug and a kiss and then tell me to get off the fire engine. As soon as I stepped off the fire engine, he would say, "MOM! I'm picking you up from work!" and I would go back on and he would drive me back to "the hotel." I was a bit saddened that all he knows for our home is hotels, but hey, the pay off is he gets to go to cool parks and ride on elephants so I think that's an OK trade-off.

My little fire truck driver. 
Of course we spent some time on the swings and other parts of this park, but the fire truck was the main attraction for him, and for all the other kids that came to the park. He also is starting to like climbing up different ladders to get to the highest slide before sliding down. Where did my toddler go? He's behaving like such a big boy lately!


  1. Those parks are amazing! It's like kid heaven.

  2. I know! I remember some of my favorite parks growing up that I thought were just the coolest are not half as cool as this park!

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with that moment when you realize your baby has turned into a BOY!!! Those parks look so fun and the weather sounds so wonderful. Wish we were there to play with you!


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