Chicago Northside Fun!

Sea Lion swimming by
We are still awaiting our next assignment here in the Chicago area. For the first week of this, after our trip to CA, Landon and I hung out a lot and got organized. The 2nd week we ventured out a little more, this week, we wanted to play and explore! We took a trip to the Lincoln Park Zoo with our new on-the-road friends who are staying at our hotel. We checked out most of the zoo animals and Landon had a blast watching the animals, figuring out what they were eating, etc. It was a beautiful day so the animals were out as well!

We watched the beaver swim

One of Landon's favorite parts of the zoo was watching the different trucks work on a new zoo exhibit. One truck even lifted up a tree branch and slowly moved it through the zoo. We turned around to try to avoid it, but it followed us all the way around the bear exhibits! That was totally ok with Landon.
Landon the termite licking the germs off of the termite den

The giraffe was looking at us!
Our little boy is getting so much more fun as he can say words and tell us what he is thinking. He could identify lots of different animals at the zoo, and loved watching the fish and other creatures move around. The black bear that is usually sleeping when we go was pacing around his enclosure, so that was very interesting to see as well.

The field- there are stands on top of buildings across the street from the stadium
To top off the week, we went to a Cubs game! It was not just any Cubs game though, it was Cubs vs. Dodgers. We had not been to Wrigley Field before, so it was really special to be able to go in this season when they are celebrating 100 years at Wrigley Field. I'm not sure about other fields in big cities, but this stadium is smallish and as you go up to the upper seats, it seems that they are steeper and the buildings around the stadium are very close by. We drove, but found parking only by looking online and literally buying this guy's parking spot for the afternoon behind his house right under the Brown train line. Landon was very excited to go to the baseball game, and we taught him the name of the teams- Cubs and Dodgers- which he repeated at least 20 times during the game and afterward. He liked to watch them pitch, hit and run!

Happy boy!
We brought a picnic lunch and bought the obligatory "Nuts on Clark" delicious Chicago mix popcorn. I love popcorn so much I could eat it all day every day!

I really like the guy enthusiastically fist pumping in the background!
The field from across the street


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