World Cup Festivities

To celebrate the World Cup happening right now in Brasil, Landon and I took a subway ride over to the Seoul World Cup stadium that was used during the 2002 world cup. Really, I was looking for a park for Landon to run around in, and wanted to get out of our little mall area.

Here is a view of the stadium right out of the subway

A picture of what it looks like from above-like a traditional Korean kite

The always creepy mascots- the mascots for the Asian Games that Incheon is hosting look like jelly beans!

On a mission to play!

So mommy confession, after walking around 3/4 of the stadium, I had still not found any parks for Landon to play in. Desperate and in the company of a little boy who was promised a park, I pulled off into this little park that was attached to the parking lot. Thankfully the parking lot was not very busy, because Landon was much more interested in the cars than in playing in the grass or walking along the paths.

This little park had a koi pond so we had fun throwing rocks in the pond and watching the fish (not simultaneously). Landon also liked to try to throw the ball in the pond, but that only lasted two throws until I took the ball away after fishing it out a few times.

Can you spot the boy?
In other World Cup shenanigans, there is a little soccer booth set up outside of the mall. For free, Landon got to climb inside the blow up tent thingy and kick around a soccer ball and try to make goals. Everyone was supposed to take a turn kicking and then get the prize which are Fighting Korea noisemakers and bandanas. Well, even after taking his turn, Landon wanted to play. The teens running the booth didn't have the heart to kick him out, so he spent probably an hour total over the past few days kicking the ball around in there. Along with watching a few snippets of a few games in the laundry room (or the room where Landon watches ball while dad is sleeping) that is the extent of our World Cup festivities.

We leave for Sokcho tomorrow. There are a few beaches and a big national park near there that we are visiting for the next week while Austin is off.I am excited and a little anxious because we don't know any Korean still and we are going more rural. Wish us luck!


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