An Early California Christmas

We spent a significant portion of our time in California getting over jet lag and doing all of the things that we miss when we're traveling- baking, cooking, eating awesome American and Mexican food, and spending tons of time with family. I am so happy that we were able to introduce Landon to some of my favorite family traditions. Landon and I made lemony sugar cookies with different colors of buttercream frosting. Landon helped by taking way too many tastes and manning the decoration/sprinkles station. 

Our time in California flew by and was filled with tons of activities! Turns out my parents are pretty busy even with just one kid at home. Austin and I celebrated our anniversary with dinner at McClintock's in Pismo Beach- a cowboy-type steak house overlooking the ocean, and outdoor mineral springs hot tub. It was a very relaxing date! We attended Claire's piano recital (with my piano teacher from high school!) and band concert. We did some temple work for my maternal grandmother- sealing her to her parents. It was a wonderful day. I can't even believe it, but we were so busy with all of the pre-Christmas festivities that we didn't even take the boys to the beach! It was a little chilly while we were there, and we opted to take the boys to the Santa Barbara Zoo instead. My brother, Greg, came into town to spend time with the boys, and it was wonderful to see him. Because we were leaving before Christmas, we had a gift exchange early so everyone could see the boys open their gifts. Landon was pretty excited to be "Santa" and give out everyone's gifts. 

Owen understood how to open presents, but was easily distracted by previous presents

Owen's favorite- the ball chute!

Lil' Farmer hat from Aunt Net the Great!

Pretty stoked about his first phone
Landon's biggest gift was a new bike from Grandpa and Grandma, and helmet from Aunt Net. He was still getting the hang of riding it with training wheels and figuring out the steering and brakes, but I think he will enjoy riding it every time we visit.

I gave matching leggings to all my seesters so that we can match when we're all together, and think of each other when we are not. Claire got her leggings that night, and we had to take a matching picture. My sister Mariah wasn't able to make it out to California, but sent her hand-made crocheted gifts for us, including an adult-sized, warm, snuggly mermaid tail for me, and a shark hat for Landon. She is seriously talented! I LOVE my mermaid tail!

After having the same small selection toys and book for over six months, both Owen and Landon were thrilled to get something new, and spend time with beloved grandparents, uncle and aunts. On our way back to Chicago, we drove up early to Davis, CA to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles. It was great to see them- it had been awhile since we were in the same place at the same time! All too soon, we flew back to Chicago, and then drove on to Denver just in time for Christmas!
The shark


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