7-Month-Old in Korea!
Thrilled to be moving All of a sudden, it seems like Owen's babyhood is going by WAY too fast. Where is my little infant that was content to just be in my arms? He has been replaced with a baby on the move! Owen continues to slim down in his cheeks as he expends all of his calories rolling around on the floor. His hair is growing in and looking less sparse and more light brown. Recently, Owen started army crawling! What's so funny is that he's a pro at it now. When we arrived in Korea, he barely scooted himself forward a few inches, and a week later, he's moving all over our living room and getting stuck on chair and table legs! Nothing is safe from Owen, as Landon is finding out. I call it revenge for all the months of abuse Owen has endured. He loves to play a game with Landon where he pulls Landon's hair, and Landon squeals and laughs, and then Owen laughs. Landon has also learned how to play peek-a-boo, and so they both enjoy doing that together. Gros...