Our Smiley Guy is Three months Old!

Cool as a cucumber in his jeans
So smiley!
Owen is three months old! He is such a joy and a snuggle bug! We don't have stats for this month because he doesn't have an appointment until next month, but he is definitely growing! This month, it seemed like his cheeks shrunk and grew again as his whole body grew. He is growing out of six month clothes and fitting nicely into nine month clothes. His hair is wearing thin on the sides, but still sticks straight up on top, and is thickest in the center on the back of his head. His eyes are a very interesting gray color- they remind me of my sister Hannah's eyes when she was little. He loves to smile and laugh and we discovered this month that he is very ticklish under his arms! Whenever I change his outfit he lets out a burst of giggles.

The hair will not be tamed!
Owen has slept as long as 5 hours in a row at night, but averages 3 hours at a time... so I'm still tired! He's a great eater and has started eyeing our food. I'm sure he will be elated to try some cereal and veggies in the next few months! In tummy time, he has started pulling his knees up to his chest and pushing his knees out again, which results in a little scooting on his face. He can weight shift and reach on his tummy, which I could not believe when I saw him do it! I can pretty easily facilitate rolling from front to back and back to front, and he has accidentally rolled from tummy to back, but he's not actively doing this on his own quite yet. He loves laying on his back and batting at toys on his play gym, or grabbing rings and other toys and whipping them around. The toys that make crinkly noises are his favorite! He has a soft crinkly book that he loves to grab and put his his mouth. Owen gets really mad when I put him down on our bed and when I give him a toy to play with and he drops it.

This month, Owen started making a heartbreaking stuck-pig squealing scream when he's angry or hurt (usually by Landon!) Other than that, his coos and cries are very low pitched for a baby. When he's hungry, he started chewing on a closed fist, and pecks whoever is holding him until I feed him.  Owen loves the bathroom fan and other loud noises. He and Landon have started to interact better. I can tell that Owen loves his big brother. Landon likes to "wrestle" with him and Owen seems to not mind it too much.

We love our sweet Owen boy! Landon loves to call him "Owen bo Bowen!" He gives the best hugs and it will be such a blast seeing him grow up in our family!


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