Landon update

 Landon has changed so much since we came out here to Korea. He has morphed into a full-blown toddler! The latest word from Austin's work is that our release date is moving closer to August due to some delays at the refinery. At any rate, here are some things Landon is doing lately:

  • Talking in small sentences/long phrases. He says things like "I swing!" and "baseball bat". It seems he learns new words every day, and really practicing his new words. When he says "beach" it sounds a lot like the "B" word, and he yells it whenever he sees sand or pictures of water, so good thing we are in Korea and they can't understand what he's saying!
  • Counting to 1, and sometimes 2. He is also learning the power of negotiation in that he will come up to me with a candy or treat that he found in the snacks and say, "Bun Candy! Bun Candy!" That means "one candy". 
  • Learning colors! He thinks everything is pink right now, but just today he pointed out a yellow car, of course saying "lello!"
  • Saying "hi" and "bye" to EVERYONE and EVERYTHING including his toys, the bath water, and everyone on every elevator and train we ride. 
  • Memorizing books and learning animals. He can identify each bath animal and says goodbye to it as he puts it away after bath. He fills in words when we're reading and has names for all of his books.
  • Running! He will say "Eddy, GO!!!!" and then run down the hall as fast as he can. He also will randomly decide to "BUN!!" when we are walking somewhere and take off at full speed. This has led to an increase in knee, hand and elbow scrapes as his little feet get going too fast and trip over uneven ground. 
  • Showing slight interest in the potty. This might be one of his tactics to delay going to bed (along with the age-old cry for water!) but we've been telling him lately that if he tells us beforehand, he can go in the potty. He has asked a few times (usually for flatulence) and peed a few times just because he happened to be there. Since we are traveling, we can't have a full toddler potty in the bathroom, but I'm going to invest in one of those fold up ones that go over the hole in the actual potty soon! The funniest was this morning when Landon saw the potty and said, "Poop in the potty, but I didn't." Talking about what happened last night. 
  • LOVING all forms of transportation and balls still. He gravitates toward anyone, anywhere who has a ball. He steals balls from babies and teenagers; he's not afraid to get right in the middle of their games to get his beloved ball. He can identify several different types of trucks and tractors (including "mint" truck for cement truck, "bire truck" for firetruck complete with sirens noises, and "nonster truck" for his monster truck, which sadly we left at church last week. 
  •  Sleeping in a big boy bed... although he needs me to stay there with him until he falls asleep. If we were not living in a hotel, we would work on that, but with nowhere for me to go, and a limited amount of time until snuggling with my son is no longer appropriate, I am just enjoying the quiet time with him right now (unless he is doing somersaults on my head, or kicking me, or jumping on the bed, etc). 
  • ENERGY!ENERGY! He has so much energy!
  • The "terrible two" tantrums are starting. My favorite is when he flops on the ground and just lays there screaming.
  • One of the cutest things Landon is doing right now is referring to himself as "I". When we show him a picture of himself and ask him who it is, he says "I!"
In conclusion, Austin and I are enjoying raising our baby into toddlerhood! He is so much work but so much fun!


  1. We love reading your blog and trying to keep up with the wanderers...we love seeing Landon grow. We are very happy for you guys. LOVE you!

  2. Love this blog! It is fun to read and then think of recent skype talks when we heard Landon do just this! I agree it seems he has really grown up to that toddler stage even since we were with you all. Sure makes me want to just squeeze him. Miss you all! Love you. Mom and Gma Ev


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