Brutal winter + future plans

This winter may be the death of me. I am a self-proclaimed cold wimp. But even I, this week, as the temperature rose from below zero to 18 degrees, remarked that 18 degrees didn't feel that bad. Below zero feels like your hands are going to freeze off any second, so comparatively, 20 degrees feels like, "Wow! I can stay out here for a few minutes!" When it is not REALLY cold, it is snowing. I am hoping for a day when it is not too cold, and not snowing so that Landon and I can get outside and enjoy the snow a bit. There's enough of it in front of our house.

2014 is going to be a crazy year for our little family. For one thing, the blog will be getting a revamp and become much more interesting as it will be turning into a travel blog. Austin is going to begin his assignment traveling around the world for work, and Landon and I get to tag along! I was hoping that by making our availability date for sooner in the year, we would avoid some of the harsh cold. Unfortunately, the earliest we will be leaving is the middle of next month, perhaps not even until April. I would love to have a better idea of when and where we are going, but no success for far. We have all the vaccinations we need and passports ready so we're ready to go. Landon even has a great passport picture.  Until then, we are trucking along, I'm continuing to work on my 3 very part-time jobs, and Landon continues to have fun and play with friends.

Our snowman... The first big snowman I've ever made

Landon has started going to nursery at church! He didn't go this week because of a cold, but in prior weeks he has had lots of fun playing with balls, singing songs, eating snacks, and playing more. There are 4 little boys right around his age, so it is really great to get them all together. Because he is not quite 18 months and he is just starting, Austin has been sitting in with him, but he's getting independent.

His vocabulary continues to improve, with words like "dad", "mom", "ball", "done", "dog", "cat", "ready, set go", "car", "vroom", "moo", and other random things that he doesn't consistently say. He is also using gibberish to try to make sentences, which is super cute. He is also picking out different objects he knows in books and shows me. It started with circles. Anything that is a circle, he calls "ball!" And runs to me excitedly holding out his book so I will appreciate the ball too. Now he can do that for dogs, cats, and cows as well!

Landon is an athlete. He loves saying "ready, set go!" and running as well as shooting hoops. He got a hoop for Christmas and that's how he spends much of his time, since the poor kid can't go outside and play because it is below zero. He watches older kids play, can recognize basketball courts and hoops from a LONG way away, and recently started trying to jump after watching some basketball. He has been mildly successful with getting some air, but can sometimes lose his balance. He is also climbing like a crazy kid. On top of the kitchen table, on top of the piano, really anywhere he can reach. We recently cut his hair, which is interesting when he will not stay still. We tried to have him watch cartoons (something he never does otherwise) and he was not interested. However, when we turned on the BYU basketball highlight videos, he did just fine. Stayed still, but excitedly pointed and yelled "BALL!" "BALL!" He watched a whole half of a random college game on TV the other week. We are planning on taking him to a real life high school basketball game soon.


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