I feel very accomplished that we have kept Landon alive for this entire year. Although Landon was a relatively easy baby, he is transitioning into this mischievous, devious little toddler boy. Here are some of Landon's favorite things :

1. Throwing things away (or putting things "in")... into garbage cans, down air vents, etc. His favorite is sending things into his diaper pail because he puts things into the spot where the diaper goes, and pulls down on the handle, and the object is gone when he raises the handle back up. We have found desitin, wash cloths, socks, and other things in his diaper pail. He also is getting tall enough to reach up to both of our desks, which typically contain important papers and things like Austin's wallet and keys. He has managed to get both of those down the air vent, but fortunately the vent has a bend in it that makes everything get caught before it actually goes down the wall into oblivion.

This was a few weeks ago when Landon hadn't yet mastered putting things in. He just liked to take everything out of the wipes container!

Landon kept himself entertained at mutual with this basketball

 2. Balls of all sizes: Landon LOVES to play with full size basketballs at the church. Before he could stand on his own, he would lift them above his head and bounce them. Now that he is more comfortable standing, he lifts them up while standing and bounces them. He loves smaller balls too, and even was able to express that he REALLY wanted a playground style ball at the party store, so I just HAD to get it for him.
3. Food: Landon loves food. Lots of it. All kinds. Some of his absolute favorites include: string cheese,  bananas, watermelon, berries, any sort of meat, green beans, and carrots. He has learned that if he makes a loud grunting noise when I get something out to eat that he wants, then I know to give him some too. Smart guy.
4. Music: He is really starting to get into music and rocks out wherever he is when he hears a catchy tune. At this point he is more head bobbing than anything else, but it is still really cute and funny. He loves dancing around with me to the music, and even enjoys making music of his own by singing, banging on things, or randomly hitting piano keys. He calms down when I sing to him (at least long enough to get a diaper on him!)
5. Water: Landon prefers to drink water over juice and milk at this point. He also loves to play in water, especially splashing around in the toilet water is his favorite. We are in the process of getting toilet locks and somehow he still manages to find his way into the bathroom, even though we try to keep the doors closed at all times. My in-laws came into town for Landon's birthday and found a tennis ball in the upstairs toilet. Yeah, that's my son! Landon is dunking himself in the pool and generally has a great time. He loves to combine his love of balls and water to chase little balls around in the water.

Landon is eating pretty much whatever we want to give him at this point. He is having a hard time getting used to cow's milk, but we'll give it time and he should come around eventually. He is doing really well with a variety of sippy cups including one with a straw. He is vocalizing a lot more than he used to, although he typically does not use any words (besides "MOM" and "dadada") that consistently make sense. He is even putting sounds together to make nonsense sentences.

About a week ago, Landon really started to get adventurous with his walking, taking 5-10 steps in between surfaces that he could hold onto. Now, he is 50% crawling, 50% walking depending on the purpose he is trying to serve. It is scary watching him because either method of getting around, he is very fast! He also doesn't like to go where I want him to most of the time, so that makes it fun for me to lug around my big guy.

Landon is 23 lbs., 12 oz. and 31 inches long. He measured 31.5 inches and 22 lbs last time, and he is definitely not any fatter, so I am thinking they may have messed up on his height this time, or last time. At any rate, he is still big, but not as monstrous as before. He has grown out of size 4 shoes and we bought him his first pair of size 5 shoes, and then a pair of fake vans sneakers, because even though we live in Illinois, I can still pretend that my little guy will be a cool surfer dude. He is in a variety of clothing still, everything from 9 months onesies (these I am putting away soon... they are getting too short) to 18 month outfits. Definitely, I would say that he is in 18 month clothes because the 24 month clothes are still all too big for him. The biggest change in this month would definitely be Landon's hair! He is getting more blonde hair in the front and I am a big fan. It is just too cute!

Hamming it up before church...


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