Driver's Ed for the Utah Driver...

I feel that I am an experienced driver. I have had a total of 5 tickets, and been in 3 minor accidents. I have been pulled over many more times than that. Ok, so maybe I have extremely bad luck. Yet, I believe that I am much more safe than most people on the road here in Utah. I don't blame the drivers themselves, but the quality of driver's ed in Utah. Here are some of the major things that I think people in UT should know:

1. Just because one person taps on the brakes does not mean the next person should slam on the brakes. This creates a chain reaction that goes on for miles. I cannot count the number of times I have almost rear-ended people on the freeway due to individuals not following this rule.

2. If you need to slow down, merely take the right foot off of the gas. There is no need to use the brake to slow down unless #1 is happening in front of you. Your foot does not have to be on a pedal at all times.

3. Unless you are planning on going at least 5 mph over the speed limit, you do not belong in the far left lane. Or the carpool lane for that matter.

4. Unless you are planning on getting off the freeway at the next exit, you do not belong in the far right lane. This clogs traffic getting on and off the freeway and again, causes traffic jams. It IS your fault

5. If you are passing a semi truck, please do so as quickly as possible. There is nothing I hate more than going to pass a semi and having the car in front of me just drive right alongside it for miles. This is a good time to refer to #3, since this usually happens in the far left lane. This is very unsafe and just plain STUPID.

I searched "texting while driving" and this is what came up. This accident was a result of texting while driving. 
6. DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE. It is deadly and those that do it usually can't even handle driving alone.

7. Only talk on the phone and drive if you are really good at doing so. If you find yourself driving 10 mph below the speed limit while talking on the phone, you probably shouldn't be talking on the phone.

I'm sure there are more rules. If you have one to add to the list, go ahead and comment. I feel so much better now that I have gotten that off my chest.


  1. ha ha ha this is great, i SO do not miss the drivers in Utah!

  2. You make me laugh! I am a Utah trained driver and i totally agree!

  3. haha, oh Elise. I never went to Drivers Ed. We didn't have to. I don't know if you can blame the utah drivers on that. I don't know what they're problem is. MA has the opposite: move out of my way or you'll get flattened. I've gotten to be much more aggressive out here!! haha


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