Halloween with a Minion

Landon and the pumpkin
Last year, we celebrated Halloween in Jakarta. Although it was fun to show the Indonesians at the Ritz Carlton more about silly American holidays, we were happy to be in the United States this year! Landon decided early on that he wanted to be a minion. Excellent! A great costume to DIY. Well, as I was searching for a yellow sweatshirt, I came across a Minion sweatshirt and hood. This made the costume even easier! Being super pregnant and getting ready to move the next day, I was all about simple this Halloween.

Our first round of festivities was carving Landon's pumpkin. Landon drew a design on the pumpkin and told us we wanted to make a one-eyed minion pumpkin. I tried my best to replicate his design and he seemed to be happy with it. We are not artists over here by any stretch of the imagination! We wanted to keep the pumpkin inside our hotel because I was afraid the squirrels would tear it apart if we left it outside. Accordingly, we did not get a candle for our pumpkin. Landon wanted to light it up, so he brought it over to a desk lamp in our hotel "living room" and lit it up that way. Genius!

 We went to a Halloween party at the library that included games, songs, videos, and books. Then, we practiced trick-or-treating around to the different library desks. They even had this cute back drop where we could take a Halloween picture. Landon was more excited about his stuffed animal prize that he pulled out of the prize box after the trick-or-treating.

The minion
A few days later, it was Halloween! It rained all day so we decided to go to Woodfield mall to trick-or-treat there since Landon was feeling a little under the weather and I didn't want to subject him to the cold, damp outside. Everyone in the Chicago suburbs had the same idea, so by the time we went over, all the candy was gone and the mall was completely packed with people! We felt like cattle being herded through the mall and Landon got three pieces of candy after waiting in long lines. We quickly ditched that idea and decided to try again after dinner, outside in a real neighborhood. At this point, we were still in our hotel, so we returned to our old neighborhood in Elk Grove Village. We knew the last time we trick-or-treated with Landon there, he got many full-sized candy bars!

I was an 8 ball with my 38.5 week pregnant belly! Owen was almost fully ripe!

Happy trick-or-treater after getting a good haul of candy!
It was cold and misty as we walked around the cul-de-sacs of our old neighborhood, but there were many people home and giving out candy. After a few houses, Landon completely caught the vision and ran from house to house. He alternately forgot to say "trick or treat!" or "thank you!" but it was cute to see him so excited. An hour later, Landon's candy bucket was almost full and you couldn't wipe the smile off of his face! Some of the houses even had him get candy for Austin. Daddy was a great trick-or-treating companion and made sure to take his share for his services.


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