Visiting Santa in Colorado

Grandma, Landon and the tree
We landed in Colorado early in the morning on December 23rd. We really wanted to get haircuts, make sugar cookies for Santa, and visit Santa before Christmas. I'm happy to say that we accomplished all of our goals, despite being very jet-lagged.

We heard Bass Pro Shops had the best Santa around. We called to see how late Santa would be there the 23rd, and learned that all the passes had been given out for the day. So Christmas Eve, we ventured out in the morning to find Santa! We arrived around 10:00 and learned that the first available time slot was 12:00 pm. Thankfully, there were lots of activities to do and things to see so we took our ticket for 12:00 and walked around. I was surprised so many people were there to see Santa on Christmas Eve! If we weren't flying in from Jakarta with only a few days to spare, we would have visited Santa in early December!

 We decided that we could be in the very front of the 12:00 line if we had an adult stand in line starting around 10:30. Since we had four adults and one child, one adult stood in line while the others chased Landon. There was a cool Christmas scene with a giant tree, reindeer, and a carousel. Landon liked the carousel, and picked a moose to sit on with Grandma Ev supervising.
Fun Carousel

After the carousel, we went to show Landon the fishies and all the taxidermied animals that are scattered all over the store. Landon also liked sitting on the ATVs and pretending to drive them. He spent the majority of his time playing on a truck table that had little monster trucks pulling boats and ATVs and all sorts of transportation. He quickly learned that if he left one truck to play with another that other kids took the abandoned truck. Good life skills learning, here!
Smiley boy

Finally, it was our turn to walk up to Santa. Adults armed with cameras, Landon was hesitant as he walked up. Austin helped Landon get up on Santa's lap and they took a few good pictures. Then Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas, and Landon started rattling off a few things on his Christmas list. First, he wanted race cars, then trains and boats. I was so surprised that he actually talked to Santa and told him what he wanted! Proud mama right here.

Bass Pro Shops even gave us two  free copies of the picture so we can have a copy as well as the grandparents! In conclusion, best Santa ever!


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