Happy Halloween!

BYU Basketball player!
Getting ready to shoot!
Halloween is not a holiday in Indonesia. However, it is a holiday that we wanted to celebrate with Landon. Looking through our limited clothing options, I managed to scrap together a BYU basketball player costume. We even have a BYU basketball with us for a prop! I purchased a bunch of candy from a expat grocer down the street and we were in business!

He couldn't keep the ball in his hands for long
without dropkicking it!
Getting organized, with his ball in his bag

October 30th I explained to Landon that it was Halloween and we needed to practice saying, "Trick or Treat". Landon loves to look at pictures from my phone and had noticed that last year, he was dressed up like a dinosaur and got lots of goodies, so I think he had some recollection of what was in store. He went behind a sliding door in our hotel room and Austin showed him how it was done. Then it was Landon's turn. He just wanted the candy, though, and did not want to say "trick or treat!" I finally got him to say "treat" and gave him a Tootsie Roll.

First stop, concierge!
On Halloween day, I first divided the candy into ziploc baggies, went downstairs and explained what I wanted the hotel staff to do. I gave the Concierge, the front desk, the door girl, the breakfast restaurant, and the Spa a bag of candy each, and explained the Halloween holiday and that when my son comes around, to give him the candy. I'm sure they think we are super fat Americans for doing this, but whatever.

Landon got a new candy bag and a lion!

Finally, it was time for trick-or-treating. Landon did not want to hold his basketball prop, but was more than happy to hold the bag of candy as more and more candy was added to his bag. He ended up with Tootsie Rolls, gummy bears, chocolate stuffed marshmallows, fun size Milky Way, Mars, Snickers, and Mounds, as well as Alpenliebe, which are like Werthers. I also found these Spiderman chocolate eggs that have little Spiderman figurines inside. Those I saved for Austin's coworker for when Landon went to her door. Landon caught on quickly and I think he had fun! The front desk staff divided up the candy between all of the ladies and each of them gave him some. Then they all gave him a Ritz-Carlton stuffed lion that had a soccer uniform and soccer ball attached! Landon was in love!

On to the restaurant

Towel pig
Back to the elevators- he insisted on carrying his
own loot


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