California Part 2

The weather was gorgeous during our trip, and we spent a morning at the beach! Landon took a nosedive in the freezing cold water early on, so he spent the rest of our time staying far away from the water. He loved throwing sand and socializing with all the other beachgoers. Hannah, my dad and I caught some waves in the 55 degree water. The air temperature was around 80, so that made it bearable to go in for a little while. Sadly, both my parents and I forgot our cameras, so we did not capture the beautiful day. Sometimes I think that when we are super focused on getting good pictures, we miss fully enjoying the experience. At least that's what I will tell myself to make me feel better. I took mental snapshots that I will cherish forever.
Chicken encounter!

Aunt Net has chickens, and Landon got to pet one! He loved raking the yard, chasing chickens, and trying to feed them lettuce. He did not quite get the idea, because he started eating an overripe banana that was meant for the chickens. Oh well.

We took lots of walks, and Landon said hi to lots of different farm animals.
Sunscreen + Landon hair
Feeding grass to the miniature horses. One was actually a genetic dwarf miniature horse!
O, Central Coast, How I MISS YOU!

Grandma and Grandpa loved having Landon around!


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