Landon's First Month

I guess now that Landon is almost 2 months old, I should probably get around to recording my memories and impressions of his first month of life. Landon was born almost 2 weeks late, so my mother had to go back to CA before we were discharged from the hospital, and Grandpa Jim went home the morning after we were discharged. Grandma Ev was able to stay a couple more days to help with the transition to home, and she was a lifesaver. The first few days of Landon's life at home were pretty hard for me, mostly because we went to the doctor and he had lost a whole pound. He was looking really skinny and I was so sad that I was not producing enough milk to feed him. I know this happens to a lot of babies, but I was pretty sure that I was going to be the best mom ever and produce gallons of milk for him to drink. Well, that doctor's appointment was on a Tuesday. Our pediatrician told us to supplement with 1 oz of formula 2 times a day and see if that did not bring his weight back up. My mom advised me to start using my wonderful breast pump after every feeding to increase my milk supply. I began to do so, and was able to produce enough to supplement one of the 2 times a day with breast milk instead of formula. Grandma Ev left Wednesday morning, and so less than a week after Landon was born, I was home alone with this tiny infant.

First night home... snuggling with Grandpa Jim

He was such a skinny mini!

All dressed up for his first doctor's appointment

When we went for a weight check 3 days later on a Friday, I was so relieved that Landon had already gained several oz and was back above 8 lbs. The pediatrician was pretty amazed that he had gained so much so quickly, and said it was ok for me to stop supplementing with formula. What a relief to be able to go back to just breastfeeding. Although I did not think I needed help any longer, we had already scheduled an appointment to see a lactation consultant, and we had a grand time as she gave me little tippers to make breastfeeding easier and talked about natural childbirth/midwives/hypnobirthing for an hour. It was nice to talk to someone who is so supportive of the types of things that I found important in childbirth.

Landon's first "bad hair day". He woke up with a few longer pieces of hair sticking straight up- just like daddy every morning:)
The next few weeks are a real blur. I did get out of the house for about an hour 2 weeks after Landon was born to go to a book club that I recently joined. It was fun to be away, but I was anxious to get back, especially since Austin was pretty nervous to take care of him all by himself. Austin had to get used to it pretty quick, though, because I went back to work after about 2 1/2 weeks! I am coaching a little master's swim team at Lifetime Fitness in Schaumburg, just in the early mornings 2 days a week before Austin has to go to work as well as Saturday mornings. This gives Austin some daddy-son bonding time, and allows me some adult time. It is amazing how just a few hours a week helps so much to keep me sane!

Right around 4 weeks old!
 Landon slept for 1 1/2 to 2 hours at a time at night, so I was pretty sleepy and just felt like my mind was foggy all of the time. Sleep deprivation really takes its toll on my memory and my ability to multitask, I discovered. I would find myself falling asleep in my glider while feeding him, only to wake up after a few hours because he was waking up ready for another feeding! Overall, though, Landon is one of the best babies ever. He cried only when he needed something (food, changed diaper, or if he was too hot or too cold). Usually he was just hungry though. He grew a ton that first month, and at his 1 month appointment he was 24 inches long (95th percentile), 11 lbs (between 75-95th percentile) and I don't remember his head circumference but it was between the 50th and 75th percentile. Poor guy has a small head like his daddy.

So far, I think Landon looks a lot like Austin. I can see "me" in his eye size and shape, as well as his humongous hands and feet. I was so sad when I tried on some of the baby shoes I made him and they didn't fit! They never fit. His feet were way too big.

The first month was kind of lonely because Landon was not supposed to be exposed to other people. That meant no church, no church activities, and taking turns going to the store. We did make time to go on walks pretty much every day after the first week, which helped me immensely.

I am so grateful for my little son and the light he brings into my life. It is so weird to think about life before Landon; it seems like so long ago.

Don't worry, I took better pictures than this one, but they are on our video camera, and Austin has not taught me how to get them off yet, and I didn't want to procrastinate this post any longer, so here ya go!


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