
Showing posts from December, 2015

Halloween with a Minion

Landon and the pumpkin Last year, we celebrated Halloween in Jakarta. Although it was fun to show the Indonesians at the Ritz Carlton more about silly American holidays, we were happy to be in the United States this year! Landon decided early on that he wanted to be a minion. Excellent! A great costume to DIY. Well, as I was searching for a yellow sweatshirt, I came across a Minion sweatshirt and hood. This made the costume even easier! Being super pregnant and getting ready to move the next day, I was all about simple this Halloween. Our first round of festivities was carving Landon's pumpkin. Landon drew a design on the pumpkin and told us we wanted to make a one-eyed minion pumpkin. I tried my best to replicate his design and he seemed to be happy with it. We are not artists over here by any stretch of the imagination! We wanted to keep the pumpkin inside our hotel because I was afraid the squirrels would tear it apart if we left it outside. Accordingly, we did not get a...

WOW! It's been more than a month!

Brothers! Holy cow! Two kids plus taking care of a house is NO JOKE. I think that just having to care for an infant could be a blog killer, but caring for an infant and a three-year-old that does not nap leaves me absolutely no time to do anything besides survive. Landon is starting to get used to having another kid around. He helps change diapers, and know that if Owen is crying, he either needs a diaper change, a feeding, or a burp. Aside from occasional squishing and trouble being gentle, Landon has drastically decreased the amount he tries to hurt Owen. At first, he really liked to get Owen to cry. I'm sure they will have many years of wailing on each other, but at this point, Owen is defenseless so I'm glad Landon doesn't do that as much anymore. Content little sleeper A short run-down of our lives the past month is in order. I'm hoping that I can go back and do individual blog posts about each of these events, but here's what we've been up to...