7:00 AM classes should be illegal
So friends, this week has been really hard. I think I saw Austin (from Monday-Friday) for 6-7 hours that were not sleeping hours. However, these 6-7 hours were homework hours for both of us. I thought I had anticipated the bad week when I heard we had 7 am classes for 3 days in a row, but it did not stop there. Monday, I have class at 8:00, but it is at the medical school, so I take TRAX on that day and must be in Sandy, UT by 7:00 to take the train. That means waking up before 6 and leaving by 6:20 to get there on time. Monday afternoon, I had to do laundry and went on a short run in the bitter cold. Tuesday, I had class from 7am-4pm with nothing more than a 15 minute break at any one point. This meant waking up at 5:30 to leave by 6 to get there by 7. I hate commuting. There were 3 classes, but they were scheduled in close succession. Immediately after school, I had work at 4:30. 17 kids (there are normally no more than 10) showed up to swim practice and I was the only coach. 5 new...